Exporting and importing lists of phrases and addresses
Having created the lists of phrases and addresses, you can reuse them, for example, transfer the addresses to a similar list on another computer running Kaspersky Internet Security.
To do this:
- Make export – copy records from the list into a file.
- Move the file you have saved to another computer (for example, send it by email or use a removable data medium).
- Make import – add the records from the file to the list of the same type on another computer.
While exporting the list, you can copy either the selected list element only, or the entire list. While importing the list, you can add the new elements to the existing list, or replace the existing list with the one being imported.
To export records from a list, perform the following steps:
- Open the application settings window.
- In the left part of the window, in the Protection Center section, select the Anti-Spam component.
- Click the Settings button in the right part of the window.
The Anti-Spam window will be displayed.
- On the Exact methods tab, check the box in the line containing the name of the list from which the records should be exported, and click the corresponding button to the right.
- Use the displayed list window to check the records, which should be included into the file.
- Click the Export link.
This action opens a window that offers you to export the highlighted items only. In this window, take one of the following actions:
- click the Yes button if you need to include only selected records in the file;
- click the No button if you need to include the entire list in the file.
- Specify in the displayed window the type and name for the file and confirm its saving.
To import records from file to a list, perform the following steps:
- Open the application settings window.
- In the left part of the window, in the Protection Center section, select the Anti-Spam component.
- Click the Settings button in the right part of the window.
The Anti-Spam window will be displayed.
- On the Exact methods tab check the box in the line containing the name of the list to which the records should be imported, and click the button to the right.
- Click the Import link in the list window. If you are importing a list of allowed senders, the application will display a menu where you should select the Import from file item. For other list types selection from the menu is not required.
If the list is not empty, a window opens offering you to add items to be imported. In this window, take one of the following actions:
- click the Yes button if you want to add records from the file into the list;
- click the No button if you want to replace the existing records with the list from the file.
- In the window that opens, select the file with the list of records that you want to import.
Importing the list of allowed senders from address book
Addresses in the list of allowed senders can be imported from Microsoft Office Outlook / Microsoft Outlook Express (Windows Mail) address books.
To import the list of allowed senders from an address book, perform the following steps:
- Open the application settings window.
- In the left part of the window, in the Protection Center section, select the Anti-Spam component.
- Click the Settings button in the right part of the window.
The Anti-Spam window will be displayed.
- On the Exact methods tab, in the Consider message as not spam section check the
If it is from an allowed sender box and click the Select button.
The Allowed senders window opens.
- Click the Import link, open the source selection menu, and select Import from the Address Book.
- Use the window that opens to select the necessary address book.