Exporting and importing Parental Control settings
If you have configured Parental Control for a certain account, you can save the settings to a file (export). Subsequently you can load the settings from that file to configure them quickly (import). Furthermore, you can apply the control settings defined for another account or a configuration template (predefined set of rules for different types of users depending upon their age, experience and other characteristics).
After a certain configuration is applied to an account, you can modify the values of the settings. That will not affect the values in the source file, from which these settings have been imported.
In order to save the Parental Control settings to file, perform the following actions:
- Open the main application window and select the Parental Control section in the left part of the window.
- In the right part of the window, click the section with the user account for which you want to save the control settings.
- In the left part of the window that opens, select the User Account Settings section.
- Click the Save button in the lower part of the window and save the configuration file.
To load the control settings from file, perform the following steps:
- Open the main application window and select the Parental Control section in the left part of the window.
- In the right part of the window, click the section with the user account for which you want to load the control settings.
- In the left part of the window that opens, select the User Account Settings section.
- Click the Load button in the lower part of the window.
- Use the Load Parental Control settings window that opens to select the Configuration file option and specify the file location.
To apply the settings of another account, perform the following steps:
- Open the main application window and select the Parental Control section in the left part of the window.
- In the right part of the window, click the section with the user account for which you want to load the control settings.
- In the left part of the window that opens, select the User Account Settings section.
- Click the Load button in the lower part of the window.
- Select the Another user option in the Load Parental Control settings window that opens, and specify the account whose settings should be used.
To use a configuration template, perform the following steps:
- Open the main application window and select the Parental Control section in the left part of the window.
- In the right part of the window, click the section with the user account
- In the left part of the window that opens, select the User Account Settings section.
- Click the Load button in the lower part of the window.
- Select the Template option in the Load Parental Control settings window that opens, and specify the template that contains the necessary settings.