Starting and ending operations in Safe Run for Applications

Safe Run for Applications can be started by the following means:

Safe Run for Applications can be terminated via the operation system’s Start menu, from the pop-up toolbar, or using key combination CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+K.

To start Safe Run for Applications from the main Kaspersky Internet Security window:

  1. Open the main application window and select the Safe Run section.
  2. Select Safe Run for Applications in the right part of the window.

To start Safe Run for Applications from the Kaspersky Internet Security context menu,

right click to open Kaspersky Internet Security context menu in system tray and select Safe Run for Applications item.

To close Safe Run from the Start menu,

select Safe Run for Applications – shutdown in the Start menu of the operating system.

To close Safe Run from the pop-up toolbar:

  1. Roll over the top part of the screen with the mouse pointer.
  2. In the pop-up toolbar, click the Internet Security saferun toolbar shutdown Starting and ending operations in Safe Run for Applications button.
  3. In the selecting action window that opens, select Disable.
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Starting and ending operations in Safe Run for Applications