Creating a list of trusted applications
By default, Kaspersky Internet Security scans objects being opened, run, or saved by any program process, and monitors the activity of all applications and the network traffic they create. When you add an application to the list of trusted ones, Kaspersky Internet Security excludes it from scan.
To add an application to the trusted list:
- Open the application settings window.
- In the left part of the window, in the Advanced Settings section, select the Threats and Exclusions subsection.
- In the Exclusions section, click the Settings button.
- In the window that opens, on the Trusted applications tab, open the application selection menu by clicking the Add link.
- In the menu that opens, select an application from the Applications list, or select Browse to specify the path to the executable files of the required application.
- In the Exclusions for applications window that opens, check the boxes
for the application’s types of activity that should be excluded from scan.
You can change a trusted application or delete one from the list using the corresponding links in the bottom part of it. To remove an application from the list without its actual deletion, uncheck the box next to its name.