What to do with a large number of spam messages

If you receive large quantities of unsolicited mail (spam), enable the Anti-Spam component and set the recommended security level. Then train the component using the Training Wizard. Correct spam recognition requires training using at least 50 samples of useful messages and 50 samples of unwanted mail.

To enable Anti-Spam and set the recommended security level:

  1. Open the application settings window.
  2. In the left part of the window, in the Protection Center section, select the Anti-Spam component.
  3. Check the Internet Security mark fs What to do with a large number of spam messages Enable Anti-Spam box in the right part of the window.
  4. In the Security Level section, the security level should be set to Recommended by default.

    If the security level is set to Low or Custom, click the Default level button. Security level will be automatically set to Recommended.

To train Anti-Spam using the Training Wizard:

  1. Open the application settings window.
  2. In the left part of the window, in the Protection Center section, select the Anti-Spam component.
  3. Click the Train button in the Anti-Spam training section within the right part of the window.

    The Training Wizard window will open.

Detailed discussion of the wizard steps.

Starting the Wizard

Click the Next button to start the training.

Selecting folders containing good mail

At this stage, you can specify folders which contain good mail. You should only select folders which you are absolutely sure contain good email messages.

Only Microsoft Office Outlook and Microsoft Outlook Express (Windows Mail) accounts are accessible.

Selecting folders containing spam

At this stage you can specify folders containing unsolicited mail (spam). If you do not have such folders in your email client application, skip this step.

Only Microsoft Office Outlook and Microsoft Outlook Express (Windows Mail) accounts are accessible.

Training Anti-Spam

At this stage, the Anti-Spam component is trained using the folders selected during the previous steps. The emails in those folders fill the Anti-Spam database. The senders of good mail are automatically added to the list of allowed senders.

Saving the training results

At this stage of the Wizard, you must save the training results using one of the following methods:

  • add training results into the existing Anti-Spam database (select Add the results to an existing Anti-Spam database);
  • replace the current database with a database containing only the training results (select Create new Anti-Spam database).

Click the Finish button to close the Wizard.

See also:


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What to do with a large number of spam messages